
Georgia D.jpg

Georgia, Poet. (2019)

Georgia, Poet stages the life of activist, playwright, and poet Georgia Douglas Johnson. Divided into three distinct time periods in her life in Washington, D.C., Georgia is visited by the ghosts of characters from her plays, leading her to contemplate the social implications of creative expression and the politics of representation for black artists. (Commissioned by Perisphere Theatre)

Blood Memory (2016)

Blood Memory, builds upon the anti-lynching dramas created and developed by Black women in the early 1900s. Blood Memory was created as a direct response to our current racial climate and offers students accessible and relatable material with which to critically analyze socio-political issues. In doing so, Blood Memory asks how Black women are uniquely affected by state-sanctioned violence against their bodies, thereby also addressing current socio-political events and expressions of violence against Black bodies in popular culture.